Emergent Mind

Function-Space Regularization for Deep Bayesian Classification

Published Jul 12, 2023 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Bayesian deep learning approaches assume model parameters to be latent random variables and infer posterior distributions to quantify uncertainty, increase safety and trust, and prevent overconfident and unpredictable behavior. However, weight-space priors are model-specific, can be difficult to interpret and are hard to specify. Instead, we apply a Dirichlet prior in predictive space and perform approximate function-space variational inference. To this end, we interpret conventional categorical predictions from stochastic neural network classifiers as samples from an implicit Dirichlet distribution. By adapting the inference, the same function-space prior can be combined with different models without affecting model architecture or size. We illustrate the flexibility and efficacy of such a prior with toy experiments and demonstrate scalability, improved uncertainty quantification and adversarial robustness with large-scale image classification experiments.

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