Emergent Mind

Subtyping Context-Free Session Types

Published Jul 11, 2023 in cs.PL


Context-free session types describe structured patterns of communication on heterogeneously-typed channels, allowing the specification of protocols unconstrained by tail recursion. The enhanced expressive power provided by non-regular recursion comes, however, at the cost of the decidability of subtyping, even if equivalence is still decidable. We present an approach to subtyping context-free session types based on a novel kind of observational preorder we call $\mathcal{XYZW}$-simulation, which generalizes $\mathcal{XY}$-simulation (also known as covariant-contravariant simulation) and therefore also bisimulation and plain simulation. We further propose a subtyping algorithm that we prove to be sound, and present an empirical evaluation in the context of a compiler for a programming language. Due to the general nature of the simulation relation upon which it is built, this algorithm may also find applications in other domains.

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