Emergent Mind

Predictive Coding For Animation-Based Video Compression

Published Jul 9, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.MM


We address the problem of efficiently compressing video for conferencing-type applications. We build on recent approaches based on image animation, which can achieve good reconstruction quality at very low bitrate by representing face motions with a compact set of sparse keypoints. However, these methods encode video in a frame-by-frame fashion, i.e. each frame is reconstructed from a reference frame, which limits the reconstruction quality when the bandwidth is larger. Instead, we propose a predictive coding scheme which uses image animation as a predictor, and codes the residual with respect to the actual target frame. The residuals can be in turn coded in a predictive manner, thus removing efficiently temporal dependencies. Our experiments indicate a significant bitrate gain, in excess of 70% compared to the HEVC video standard and over 30% compared to VVC, on a datasetof talking-head videos

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