Emergent Mind


Social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter have emerged as critical channels for drug marketing and illegal sale. Detecting and labeling online illicit drug trafficking activities becomes important in addressing this issue. However, the effectiveness of conventional supervised learning methods in detecting drug trafficking heavily relies on having access to substantial amounts of labeled data, while data annotation is time-consuming and resource-intensive. Furthermore, these models often face challenges in accurately identifying trafficking activities when drug dealers use deceptive language and euphemisms to avoid detection. To overcome this limitation, we conduct the first systematic study on leveraging LLMs, such as ChatGPT, to detect illicit drug trafficking activities on social media. We propose an analytical framework to compose \emph{knowledge-informed prompts}, which serve as the interface that humans can interact with and use LLMs to perform the detection task. Additionally, we design a Monte Carlo dropout based prompt optimization method to further to improve performance and interpretability. Our experimental findings demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms other baseline language models in terms of drug trafficking detection accuracy, showing a remarkable improvement of nearly 12\%. By integrating prior knowledge and the proposed prompts, ChatGPT can effectively identify and label drug trafficking activities on social networks, even in the presence of deceptive language and euphemisms used by drug dealers to evade detection. The implications of our research extend to social networks, emphasizing the importance of incorporating prior knowledge and scenario-based prompts into analytical tools to improve online security and public safety.

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