Emergent Mind


In real-world applications, users often require both translations and transcriptions of speech to enhance their comprehension, particularly in streaming scenarios where incremental generation is necessary. This paper introduces a streaming Transformer-Transducer that jointly generates automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech translation (ST) outputs using a single decoder. To produce ASR and ST content effectively with minimal latency, we propose a joint token-level serialized output training method that interleaves source and target words by leveraging an off-the-shelf textual aligner. Experiments in monolingual (it-en) and multilingual ({de,es,it}-en) settings demonstrate that our approach achieves the best quality-latency balance. With an average ASR latency of 1s and ST latency of 1.3s, our model shows no degradation or even improves output quality compared to separate ASR and ST models, yielding an average improvement of 1.1 WER and 0.4 BLEU in the multilingual case.

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