Emergent Mind

Listing Small Minimal $s,t$-separators in FPT-Delay

Published Jul 2, 2023 in cs.DS and cs.DB


Let $G$ be an undirected graph, and $s,t$ distinguished vertices of $G$. A minimal $s,t$-separator is an inclusion-wise minimal vertex-set whose removal places $s$ and $t$ in distinct connected components. We present an algorithm for listing the minimal $s,t$-separators of a graph, whose cardinality is at most $k$, with FPT-delay, where the parameter depends only on $k$. This problem finds applications in various algorithms parameterized by treewidth, which include query evaluation in relational databases, probabilistic inference, and many more. We also present a simple algorithm that enumerates all of the (not necessarily minimal) $s,t$-separators of a graph in ranked order by size.

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