Emergent Mind

Investigating Masking-based Data Generation in Language Models

Published Jun 16, 2023 in cs.CL and cs.AI


The current era of NLP has been defined by the prominence of pre-trained language models since the advent of BERT. A feature of BERT and models with similar architecture is the objective of masked language modeling, in which part of the input is intentionally masked and the model is trained to predict this piece of masked information. Data augmentation is a data-driven technique widely used in machine learning, including research areas like computer vision and natural language processing, to improve model performance by artificially augmenting the training data set by designated techniques. Masked language models (MLM), an essential training feature of BERT, have introduced a novel approach to perform effective pre-training on Transformer based models in natural language processing tasks. Recent studies have utilized masked language model to generate artificially augmented data for NLP downstream tasks. The experimental results show that Mask based data augmentation method provides a simple but efficient approach to improve the model performance. In this paper, we explore and discuss the broader utilization of these data augmentation methods based on MLM.

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