Emergent Mind


Object detection and segmentation are two core modules of an autonomous vehicle perception system. They should have high efficiency and low latency while reducing computational complexity. Currently, the most commonly used algorithms are based on deep neural networks, which guarantee high efficiency but require high-performance computing platforms. In the case of autonomous vehicles, i.e. cars, but also drones, it is necessary to use embedded platforms with limited computing power, which makes it difficult to meet the requirements described above. A reduction in the complexity of the network can be achieved by using an appropriate: architecture, representation (reduced numerical precision, quantisation, pruning), and computing platform. In this paper, we focus on the first factor - the use of so-called detection-segmentation networks as a component of a perception system. We considered the task of segmenting the drivable area and road markings in combination with the detection of selected objects (pedestrians, traffic lights, and obstacles). We compared the performance of three different architectures described in the literature: MultiTask V3, HybridNets, and YOLOP. We conducted the experiments on a custom dataset consisting of approximately 500 images of the drivable area and lane markings, and 250 images of detected objects. Of the three methods analysed, MultiTask V3 proved to be the best, achieving 99% mAP50 for detection, 97% MIoU for drivable area segmentation, and 91% MIoU for lane segmentation, as well as 124 fps on the RTX 3060 graphics card. This architecture is a good solution for embedded perception systems for autonomous vehicles. The code is available at: https://github.com/vision-agh/MMAR2023.

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