Emergent Mind

Reduce Computational Complexity for Convolutional Layers by Skipping Zeros

Published Jun 28, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.AI


Convolutional neural networks necessitate good algorithms to reduce complexity, and sufficient utilization of parallel processors for acceleration. Within convolutional layers, there are three types of operators: convolution used in forward propagation, deconvolution and dilated-convolution utilized in backward propagation. During the execution of these operators, zeros are typically added to tensors, leading to redundant calculations and unnecessary strain on hardware. To circumvent these inefficiencies, we propose the C-K-S algorithm, accompanied by efficient GPU implementations. C-K-S trims filters to exclude zero-padding. For deconvolution and dilated-convolution, C-K-S transforms sparse tensors into dense tensors, and standardizes the local computational rules to simplify the hardware control. The experimental results demonstrate that C-K-S offers good performance in terms of speed and convergence, surpassing the capabilities of PyTorch and cuDNN in certain scenarios.

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