Emergent Mind

Differentially Private Data Release over Multiple Tables

Published Jun 27, 2023 in cs.DB and cs.CR


We study synthetic data release for answering multiple linear queries over a set of database tables in a differentially private way. Two special cases have been considered in the literature: how to release a synthetic dataset for answering multiple linear queries over a single table, and how to release the answer for a single counting (join size) query over a set of database tables. Compared to the single-table case, the join operator makes query answering challenging, since the sensitivity (i.e., by how much an individual data record can affect the answer) could be heavily amplified by complex join relationships. We present an algorithm for the general problem, and prove a lower bound illustrating that our general algorithm achieves parameterized optimality (up to logarithmic factors) on some simple queries (e.g., two-table join queries) in the most commonly-used privacy parameter regimes. For the case of hierarchical joins, we present a data partition procedure that exploits the concept of {\em uniformized sensitivities} to further improve the utility.

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