Emergent Mind

SQ Lower Bounds for Learning Bounded Covariance GMMs

Published Jun 22, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.DS , math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


We study the complexity of learning mixtures of separated Gaussians with common unknown bounded covariance matrix. Specifically, we focus on learning Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) on $\mathbb{R}d$ of the form $P= \sum{i=1}k wi \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol \mui,\mathbf \Sigmai)$, where $\mathbf \Sigmai = \mathbf \Sigma \preceq \mathbf I$ and $\min{i \neq j} | \boldsymbol \mui - \boldsymbol \muj|_2 \geq k\epsilon$ for some $\epsilon>0$. Known learning algorithms for this family of GMMs have complexity $(dk){O(1/\epsilon)}$. In this work, we prove that any Statistical Query (SQ) algorithm for this problem requires complexity at least $d{\Omega(1/\epsilon)}$. In the special case where the separation is on the order of $k{1/2}$, we additionally obtain fine-grained SQ lower bounds with the correct exponent. Our SQ lower bounds imply similar lower bounds for low-degree polynomial tests. Conceptually, our results provide evidence that known algorithms for this problem are nearly best possible.

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