Emergent Mind

Introspective Action Advising for Interpretable Transfer Learning

Published Jun 21, 2023 in cs.LG


Transfer learning can be applied in deep reinforcement learning to accelerate the training of a policy in a target task by transferring knowledge from a policy learned in a related source task. This is commonly achieved by copying pretrained weights from the source policy to the target policy prior to training, under the constraint that they use the same model architecture. However, not only does this require a robust representation learned over a wide distribution of states -- often failing to transfer between specialist models trained over single tasks -- but it is largely uninterpretable and provides little indication of what knowledge is transferred. In this work, we propose an alternative approach to transfer learning between tasks based on action advising, in which a teacher trained in a source task actively guides a student's exploration in a target task. Through introspection, the teacher is capable of identifying when advice is beneficial to the student and should be given, and when it is not. Our approach allows knowledge transfer between policies agnostic of the underlying representations, and we empirically show that this leads to improved convergence rates in Gridworld and Atari environments while providing insight into what knowledge is transferred.

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