Emergent Mind

NeuroCLIP: Neuromorphic Data Understanding by CLIP and SNN

Published Jun 21, 2023 in cs.CV


Recently, the neuromorphic vision sensor has received more and more interest. However, the neuromorphic data consists of asynchronous event spikes, which makes it difficult to construct a big benchmark to train a power general neural network model, thus limiting the neuromorphic data understanding for unseen" objects by deep learning. While for the frame image, since the training data can be obtained easily, the zero-shot and few-shot learning forunseen" task via the large Contrastive Vision-Language Pre-training (CLIP) model, which is pre-trained by large-scale image-text pairs in 2D, have shown inspirational performance. We wonder whether the CLIP could be transferred to neuromorphic data recognition to handle the ``unseen" problem. To this end, we materialize this idea with NeuroCLIP in the paper. The NeuroCLIP consists of 2D CLIP and two specially designed modules for neuromorphic data understanding. First, an event-frame module that could convert the event spikes to the sequential frame image with a simple discrimination strategy. Second, an inter-timestep adapter, which is a simple fine-tuned adapter based on a spiking neural network (SNN) for the sequential features coming from the visual encoder of CLIP to improve the few-shot performance. Various experiments on neuromorphic datasets including N-MNIST, CIFAR10-DVS, and ES-ImageNet demonstrate the effectiveness of NeuroCLIP. Our code is open-sourced at https://github.com/yfguo91/NeuroCLIP.git.

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