Emergent Mind

Meta Generative Flow Networks with Personalization for Task-Specific Adaptation

Published Jun 16, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.AI


Multi-task reinforcement learning and meta-reinforcement learning have been developed to quickly adapt to new tasks, but they tend to focus on tasks with higher rewards and more frequent occurrences, leading to poor performance on tasks with sparse rewards. To address this issue, GFlowNets can be integrated into meta-learning algorithms (GFlowMeta) by leveraging the advantages of GFlowNets on tasks with sparse rewards. However, GFlowMeta suffers from performance degradation when encountering heterogeneous transitions from distinct tasks. To overcome this challenge, this paper proposes a personalized approach named pGFlowMeta, which combines task-specific personalized policies with a meta policy. Each personalized policy balances the loss on its personalized task and the difference from the meta policy, while the meta policy aims to minimize the average loss of all tasks. The theoretical analysis shows that the algorithm converges at a sublinear rate. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms in discrete environments.

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