Emergent Mind

Unifying Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs: A Roadmap

Published Jun 14, 2023 in cs.CL and cs.AI


LLMs, such as ChatGPT and GPT4, are making new waves in the field of natural language processing and artificial intelligence, due to their emergent ability and generalizability. However, LLMs are black-box models, which often fall short of capturing and accessing factual knowledge. In contrast, Knowledge Graphs (KGs), Wikipedia and Huapu for example, are structured knowledge models that explicitly store rich factual knowledge. KGs can enhance LLMs by providing external knowledge for inference and interpretability. Meanwhile, KGs are difficult to construct and evolving by nature, which challenges the existing methods in KGs to generate new facts and represent unseen knowledge. Therefore, it is complementary to unify LLMs and KGs together and simultaneously leverage their advantages. In this article, we present a forward-looking roadmap for the unification of LLMs and KGs. Our roadmap consists of three general frameworks, namely, 1) KG-enhanced LLMs, which incorporate KGs during the pre-training and inference phases of LLMs, or for the purpose of enhancing understanding of the knowledge learned by LLMs; 2) LLM-augmented KGs, that leverage LLMs for different KG tasks such as embedding, completion, construction, graph-to-text generation, and question answering; and 3) Synergized LLMs + KGs, in which LLMs and KGs play equal roles and work in a mutually beneficial way to enhance both LLMs and KGs for bidirectional reasoning driven by both data and knowledge. We review and summarize existing efforts within these three frameworks in our roadmap and pinpoint their future research directions.

Categorization of research integrating large language models with knowledge graphs for enhanced understanding.


  • The paper discusses merging LLMs like ChatGPT with knowledge graphs (KGs) to overcome the limitations of each and create smarter AI systems.

  • Three proposed frameworks for integration include KG-Enhanced LLMs, LLM-Augmented KGs, and Synergized LLMs + KGs, aiming for mutual enhancement.

  • Applications of this merger include improved AI assistants, recommendation systems, and web search capabilities, providing more knowledgeable and accurate AI interactions.

  • Challenges such as LLM 'hallucination' of incorrect information and the 'black box' nature of some LLMs are significant and require further research.

  • Future directions include addressing these challenges and exploring multi-modal data integration, promising more sophisticated and accurate AI.

Enhancing AI with Structured Knowledge: A Pathway to Smarter Models

Introduction to Knowledge Integration in AI

The integration of structured knowledge into AI systems is a groundbreaking development in NLP and AI. This paper presents a comprehensive roadmap for merging LLMs, such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, with knowledge graphs (KGs) like Wikipedia. LLMs exhibit impressive language processing capabilities but often lack access to updated and factual knowledge. Conversely, KGs store explicit and structured factual knowledge but are static and challenging to evolve. Unifying LLMs with KGs aims to leverage the strengths of both to address their individual limitations.

Roadmap for Unifying LLMs with KGs

The proposed roadmap outlines three frameworks where LLMs and KGs are combined to enhance one another:

  1. KG-Enhanced LLMs: KGs are used to improve the pre-training, inference, and interpretability of LLMs. By incorporating KG information during LLM pre-training, the models can learn from explicit knowledge sources. During inference, dynamically accessing KGs enables LLMs to produce more accurate and up-to-date responses. Lastly, leveraging KGs also aids in interpreting and probing the knowledge within LLMs.
  2. LLM-Augmented KGs: LLMs enhance KG-related tasks by using their language understanding capabilities. They help in KG embedding, completion, and construction, as well as in generating text from graph structures and answering questions based on KGs.
  3. Synergized LLMs + KGs: This approach aims for a mutual enhancement where both LLMs and KGs contribute equally to tasks that require reasoning driven by both data and knowledge, such as bidirectional reasoning.

Applications in AI

The collaboration between LLMs and KGs has profound implications across various applications. It bolsters AI assistants, recommendation systems, and web search capabilities. For instance, ChatGPT-like models with KG support can offer more knowledgeable interactions, while domain-specific KGs aid AI in providing accurate recommendations and medical diagnoses.

Challenges and Future Research

Despite the progress, several challenges remain. One significant issue is the "hallucination" in LLMs, where models generate factually incorrect information. Detecting and correcting such errors is critical for reliable AI applications. Another challenge is the "black box" nature of some LLMs, limiting the ability to incorporate or edit structured knowledge. Moreover, extending these methods to multi-modal data, which includes visual and auditory information alongside text, represents an exciting direction for future research.

Concluding Thoughts

The union of LLMs and KGs holds the promise of AI systems that are not only linguistically adept but also knowledgeable and factually accurate. As research continues to address the challenges in this domain, we are likely to see AI that can understand and interact with the world in more sophisticated ways, driven by the synergies of structured knowledge and language proficiency.

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