Emergent Mind

Latent Dynamical Implicit Diffusion Processes

Published Jun 12, 2023 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Latent dynamical models are commonly used to learn the distribution of a latent dynamical process that represents a sequence of noisy data samples. However, producing samples from such models with high fidelity is challenging due to the complexity and variability of latent and observation dynamics. Recent advances in diffusion-based generative models, such as DDPM and NCSN, have shown promising alternatives to state-of-the-art latent generative models, such as Neural ODEs, RNNs, and Normalizing flow networks, for generating high-quality sequential samples from a prior distribution. However, their application in modeling sequential data with latent dynamical models is yet to be explored. Here, we propose a novel latent variable model named latent dynamical implicit diffusion processes (LDIDPs), which utilizes implicit diffusion processes to sample from dynamical latent processes and generate sequential observation samples accordingly. We tested LDIDPs on synthetic and simulated neural decoding problems. We demonstrate that LDIDPs can accurately learn the dynamics over latent dimensions. Furthermore, the implicit sampling method allows for the computationally efficient generation of high-quality sequential data samples from the latent and observation spaces.

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