Emergent Mind

Evolving Semantic Prototype Improves Generative Zero-Shot Learning

Published Jun 12, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.CV


In zero-shot learning (ZSL), generative methods synthesize class-related sample features based on predefined semantic prototypes. They advance the ZSL performance by synthesizing unseen class sample features for better training the classifier. We observe that each class's predefined semantic prototype (also referred to as semantic embedding or condition) does not accurately match its real semantic prototype. So the synthesized visual sample features do not faithfully represent the real sample features, limiting the classifier training and existing ZSL performance. In this paper, we formulate this mismatch phenomenon as the visual-semantic domain shift problem. We propose a dynamic semantic prototype evolving (DSP) method to align the empirically predefined semantic prototypes and the real prototypes for class-related feature synthesis. The alignment is learned by refining sample features and semantic prototypes in a unified framework and making the synthesized visual sample features approach real sample features. After alignment, synthesized sample features from unseen classes are closer to the real sample features and benefit DSP to improve existing generative ZSL methods by 8.5\%, 8.0\%, and 9.7\% on the standard CUB, SUN AWA2 datasets, the significant performance improvement indicates that evolving semantic prototype explores a virgin field in ZSL.

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