Emergent Mind

Strong consistency and optimality of spectral clustering in symmetric binary non-uniform Hypergraph Stochastic Block Model

Published Jun 12, 2023 in math.ST , math.PR , stat.ME , stat.ML , and stat.TH


Consider the unsupervised classification problem in random hypergraphs under the non-uniform \emph{Hypergraph Stochastic Block Model} (HSBM) with two equal-sized communities ($n/2$), where each edge appears independently with some probability depending only on the labels of its vertices. In this paper, an \emph{information-theoretical} threshold for strong consistency is established. Below the threshold, every algorithm would misclassify at least two vertices with high probability, and the expected \emph{mismatch ratio} of the eigenvector estimator is upper bounded by $n$ to the power of minus the threshold. On the other hand, when above the threshold, despite the information loss induced by tensor contraction, one-stage spectral algorithms assign every vertex correctly with high probability when only given the contracted adjacency matrix, even if \emph{semidefinite programming} (SDP) fails in some scenarios. Moreover, strong consistency is achievable by aggregating information from all uniform layers, even if it is impossible when each layer is considered alone. Our conclusions are supported by both theoretical analysis and numerical experiments.

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