Emergent Mind


In this paper, we present an LLM-based code translation method and an associated tool called CoTran, that translates whole-programs from one high-level programming language to another. Current LLM-based code translation methods lack a training approach to ensure that the translated code reliably compiles or bears substantial functional equivalence to the input code. In our work, we train an LLM via reinforcement learning, by modifying the fine-tuning process to incorporate compiler feedback and symbolic execution (symexec)-based equivalence testing feedback that checks for functional equivalence between the input and output programs. The idea is to guide an LLM-in-training, via compiler and symexec-based testing feedback, by letting it know how far it is from producing perfect translations. We report on extensive experiments comparing CoTran with 14 other code translation tools that include human-written transpilers, LLM-based translation tools, and ChatGPT over a benchmark of more than 57,000 Java-Python equivalent pairs, and we show that CoTran outperforms them on relevant metrics such as compilation accuracy (CompAcc) and functional equivalence accuracy (FEqAcc). For example, our tool achieves 48.68% FEqAcc, 76.98% CompAcc for Python-to-Java translation, whereas the nearest competing tool (PLBART-base) only gets 38.26% and 75.77% resp. Also, built upon CodeT5, CoTran achieves +11.23%, +14.89% improvement on FEqAcc and +4.07%, +8.14% on CompAcc for Java-to-Python and Python-to-Java translation resp.

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