Emergent Mind

How Can Recommender Systems Benefit from Large Language Models: A Survey

Published Jun 9, 2023 in cs.IR and cs.AI


With the rapid development of online services, recommender systems (RS) have become increasingly indispensable for mitigating information overload. Despite remarkable progress, conventional recommendation models (CRM) still have some limitations, e.g., lacking open-world knowledge, and difficulties in comprehending users' underlying preferences and motivations. Meanwhile, LLMs (LLM) have shown impressive general intelligence and human-like capabilities, which mainly stem from their extensive open-world knowledge, reasoning ability, as well as their comprehension of human culture and society. Consequently, the emergence of LLM is inspiring the design of recommender systems and pointing out a promising research direction, i.e., whether we can incorporate LLM and benefit from their knowledge and capabilities to compensate for the limitations of CRM. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey on this research direction from the perspective of the whole pipeline in real-world recommender systems. Specifically, we summarize existing works from two orthogonal aspects: where and how to adapt LLM to RS. For the WHERE question, we discuss the roles that LLM could play in different stages of the recommendation pipeline, i.e., feature engineering, feature encoder, scoring/ranking function, user interaction, and pipeline controller. For the HOW question, we investigate the training and inference strategies, resulting in two fine-grained taxonomy criteria, i.e., whether to tune LLM or not, and whether to involve conventional recommendation models for inference. Then, we highlight key challenges in adapting LLM to RS from three aspects, i.e., efficiency, effectiveness, and ethics. Finally, we summarize the survey and discuss the future prospects. We actively maintain a GitHub repository for papers and other related resources: https://github.com/CHIANGEL/Awesome-LLM-for-RecSys/.

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