Emergent Mind

Robust Active and Passive Beamforming for RIS-Assisted Full-Duplex Systems under Imperfect CSI

Published Jun 9, 2023 in cs.IT , eess.SP , and math.IT


The sixth-generation (6G) wireless technology recognizes the potential of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) as an effective technique for intelligently manipulating channel paths through reflection to serve desired users. Full-duplex (FD) systems, enabling simultaneous transmission and reception from a base station (BS), offer the theoretical advantage of doubled spectrum efficiency. However, the presence of strong self-interference (SI) in FD systems significantly degrades performance, which can be mitigated by leveraging the capabilities of RIS. Moreover, accurately obtaining channel state information (CSI) from RIS poses a critical challenge. Our objective is to maximize downlink (DL) user data rates while ensuring quality-of-service (QoS) for uplink (UL) users under imperfect CSI from reflected channels. To address this, we propose a robust active BS and passive RIS beamforming (RAPB) scheme for RIS-FD, accounting for both SI and imperfect CSI. RAPB incorporates distributionally robust design, conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), and penalty convex-concave programming (PCCP) techniques. Simulation results demonstrate the UL/DL rate improvement are achieved by considering different levels of imperfect CSI. The proposed RAPB schemes validate their effectiveness across different RIS deployments and RIS/BS configurations. Benefited from robust beamforming, RAPB outperforms the existing methods in terms of non-robustness, deployment without RIS, conventional approximation, and half-duplex systems.

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