Emergent Mind

Word sense extension

Published Jun 9, 2023 in cs.CL


Humans often make creative use of words to express novel senses. A long-standing effort in natural language processing has been focusing on word sense disambiguation (WSD), but little has been explored about how the sense inventory of a word may be extended toward novel meanings. We present a paradigm of word sense extension (WSE) that enables words to spawn new senses toward novel context. We develop a framework that simulates novel word sense extension by first partitioning a polysemous word type into two pseudo-tokens that mark its different senses, and then inferring whether the meaning of a pseudo-token can be extended to convey the sense denoted by the token partitioned from the same word type. Our framework combines cognitive models of chaining with a learning scheme that transforms a language model embedding space to support various types of word sense extension. We evaluate our framework against several competitive baselines and show that it is superior in predicting plausible novel senses for over 7,500 English words. Furthermore, we show that our WSE framework improves performance over a range of transformer-based WSD models in predicting rare word senses with few or zero mentions in the training data.

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