Emergent Mind


Enabling LLMs to utilize real-world tools effectively is crucial for achieving embodied intelligence. Existing approaches to tool learning have either primarily relied on extremely LLMs, such as GPT-4, to attain generalized tool-use abilities in a zero-shot manner, or utilized supervised learning to train limited scopes of tools on compact models. However, it remains uncertain whether smaller language models can achieve generalized tool-use abilities without tool-specific training. To address this question, this paper introduces ToolAlpaca, a novel framework designed to automatically generate a diverse tool-use corpus and learn generalized tool-use abilities on compact language models with minimal human intervention. Specifically, ToolAlpaca first automatically creates a highly diversified tool-use corpus by building a multi-agent simulation environment. The corpus contains 3938 tool-use instances from more than 400 real-world tool APIs spanning 50 distinct categories. Subsequently, the constructed corpus is employed to fine-tune compact language models, resulting in two models, namely ToolAlpaca-7B and ToolAlpaca-13B, respectively. Finally, we evaluate the ability of these models to utilize previously unseen tools without specific training. Experimental results demonstrate that ToolAlpaca achieves effective generalized tool-use capabilities comparable to those of extremely LLMs like GPT-3.5, demonstrating that learning generalized tool-use ability is feasible for compact language models.

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