Emergent Mind


Point cloud registration is a fundamental problem in computer vision that aims to estimate the transformation between corresponding sets of points. Non-rigid registration, in particular, involves addressing challenges including various levels of deformation, noise, outliers, and data incompleteness. This paper introduces Robust-DefReg, a robust non-rigid point cloud registration method based on graph convolutional networks (GCNNs). Robust-DefReg is a coarse-to-fine registration approach within an end-to-end pipeline, leveraging the advantages of both coarse and fine methods. The method learns global features to find correspondences between source and target point clouds, to enable appropriate initial alignment, and subsequently fine registration. The simultaneous achievement of high accuracy and robustness across all challenges is reported less frequently in existing studies, making it a key objective of the Robust-DefReg method. The proposed method achieves high accuracy in large deformations while maintaining computational efficiency. This method possesses three primary attributes: high accuracy, robustness to different challenges, and computational efficiency. The experimental results show that the proposed Robust-DefReg holds significant potential as a foundational architecture for future investigations in non-rigid point cloud registration. The source code of Robust-DefReg is available.

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