Emergent Mind


In recent years, research in text summarization has mainly focused on the news domain, where texts are typically short and have strong layout features. The task of full-book summarization presents additional challenges which are hard to tackle with current resources, due to their limited size and availability in English only. To overcome these limitations, we present "Echoes from Alexandria", or in shortened form, "Echoes", a large resource for multilingual book summarization. Echoes features three novel datasets: i) Echo-Wiki, for multilingual book summarization, ii) Echo-XSum, for extremely-compressive multilingual book summarization, and iii) Echo-FairySum, for extractive book summarization. To the best of our knowledge, Echoes, with its thousands of books and summaries, is the largest resource, and the first to be multilingual, featuring 5 languages and 25 language pairs. In addition to Echoes, we also introduce a new extractive-then-abstractive baseline, and, supported by our experimental results and manual analysis of the summaries generated, we argue that this baseline is more suitable for book summarization than purely-abstractive approaches. We release our resource and software at https://github.com/Babelscape/echoes-from-alexandria in the hope of fostering innovative research in multilingual book summarization.

Book text with multilingual summaries from Echo-XSum.


  • The paper introduces 'Echoes,' the first and largest multilingual resource for book summarization, which includes three distinct datasets (Echo-Wiki, Echo-XSum, and Echo-FairySum) covering five languages and 25 language pairs.

  • A novel extractive-then-abstractive summarization model is proposed, demonstrating superior performance over current purely-abstractive models in empirical and human evaluations.

  • The work sets a new benchmark by offering comprehensive evaluation metrics and insights, promoting further research in multilingual and cross-lingual summarization.

Overview of "Echoes from Alexandria: A Large Resource for Multilingual Book Summarization"

The paper "Echoes from Alexandria: A Large Resource for Multilingual Book Summarization" presents a significant advancement in the field of text summarization, particularly focusing on the task of summarizing full books. This domain presents several unique challenges that are not encountered in the summarization of shorter texts like news articles. To address these challenges, the authors introduce "Echoes," a comprehensive resource comprising three novel datasets, which are both large in scale and multilingual in nature.


The primary contributions of this work include:

  1. Introduction of Echoes: The largest and first multilingual resource for book summarization, spanning five languages and 25 language pairs. "Echoes" includes three distinct datasets: Echo-Wiki, Echo-XSum, and Echo-FairySum.
  2. Dataset Characteristics:
  • Echo-Wiki: Focuses on multilingual abstractive summarization with book summaries from Wikipedia.
  • Echo-XSum: Designed for extremely-compressive summarization, featuring brief yet comprehensive summaries.
  • Echo-FairySum: An evaluation dataset for extractive summarization, specifically targeting fairy tales and short stories.
  • Novel Baseline: Introduction of an extractive-then-abstractive summarization model, argued to be more effective for book summarization compared to purely-abstractive approaches.
  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Empirical comparisons highlighting the insufficiencies of current purely-abstractive models and the effectiveness of the proposed extractive-then-abstractive model.

Experimental Insights

The experiments conducted offer critical insights:

Dataset Scale and Multilingual Nature:

  • Echo-Wiki contains thousands of book-summary pairs in multiple languages, making it significantly larger and more diverse than previous resources like BookSum or NarrativeQA.
  • Echo-XSum showcases the highest compression ratio in the field, indicating the extreme nature of the summarization task it presents.

Evaluation Metrics:

  • The evaluation metrics include standard summarization measures such as ROUGE (R-1, R-2, R-L) and BERTScore.
  • The results demonstrate that the extractive-then-abstractive models outperform recursive-abstractive baselines considerably across these metrics.

Human Evaluation:

  • A thorough human evaluation, focusing on Consistency, Relevance, Fluency, and Coherence, shows a clear preference for the extractive-then-abstractive approach, although there remains significant room for improvement, particularly in terms of consistency and relevance.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The introduction of Echoes carries substantial implications for both practical and theoretical advancements in AI:

Resource Availability:

  • By providing a large-scale, multilingual resource, Echoes facilitates training and evaluation of summarization models across different languages, which is a critical step toward generalized, robust summarization systems.
  • This resource is made freely available, fostering further research into multilingual and cross-lingual summarization.

Model Evaluation:

  • The study reveals that existing models struggle with book summarization tasks, which suggests that current approaches overfit to short, well-formed texts common in news datasets but falter in more complex, lengthy, and varied book texts.
  • The extractive-then-abstractive model's superior performance sets a new precedent, encouraging the exploration of hybrid models combining both extractive and abstractive elements.

Future Directions in AI

Future research, spurred by the strong foundation laid by Echoes, might focus on several critical avenues:

Model Architectures:

  • Venture beyond current transformer-based models to architectures that can efficiently handle long-range dependencies and the intricate structure of books.
  • Explore more fine-tuned mechanisms for combining extraction and abstraction in hybrid models.

Cross-Lingual and Multilingual Models:

  • Leverage the multilingual nature of Echoes to develop and refine models that can perform summarization across languages, a crucial feature for global accessibility and utility.
  • Investigate domain-specific models that can cater to the nuances of different literary genres and cultural contexts.

Evaluation and Metrics:

  • Develop more nuanced evaluation metrics that go beyond syntactic and token-level measures, capturing semantic consistency, narrative coherence, and factual accuracy, particularly for long-form texts.

In summary, "Echoes from Alexandria: A Large Resource for Multilingual Book Summarization" is a seminal work that significantly enriches the resources available for book summarization and sets a new benchmark for the development and evaluation of summarization models. The authors' introduction of a novel extractive-then-abstractive approach provides a promising direction for future research, addressing the considerable challenges posed by the summarization of lengthy and complex texts. This paper stands as an essential reference for researchers aiming to advance the state-of-the-art in multilingual text summarization and long-document understanding.

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