Emergent Mind


Medical image segmentation of tumors and organs at risk is a time-consuming yet critical process in the clinic that utilizes multi-modality imaging (e.g, different acquisitions, data types, and sequences) to increase segmentation precision. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Modality-Agnostic learning through Multi-modality Self-dist-illation (MAG-MS), to investigate the impact of input modalities on medical image segmentation. MAG-MS distills knowledge from the fusion of multiple modalities and applies it to enhance representation learning for individual modalities. Thus, it provides a versatile and efficient approach to handle limited modalities during testing. Our extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the high efficiency of MAG-MS and its superior segmentation performance than current state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, using MAG-MS, we provide valuable insight and guidance on selecting input modalities for medical image segmentation tasks.

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