Emergent Mind


Traditional click-through rate (CTR) prediction models convert the tabular data into one-hot vectors and leverage the collaborative relations among features for inferring the user's preference over items. This modeling paradigm discards essential semantic information. Though some works like P5 and CTR-BERT have explored the potential of using Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) to extract semantic signals for CTR prediction, they are computationally expensive and suffer from low efficiency. Besides, the beneficial collaborative relations are not considered, hindering the recommendation performance. To solve these problems, in this paper, we propose a novel framework \textbf{CTRL}, which is industrial-friendly and model-agnostic with superior inference efficiency. Specifically, the original tabular data is first converted into textual data. Both tabular data and converted textual data are regarded as two different modalities and are separately fed into the collaborative CTR model and pre-trained language model. A cross-modal knowledge alignment procedure is performed to fine-grained align and integrate the collaborative and semantic signals, and the lightweight collaborative model can be deployed online for efficient serving after fine-tuned with supervised signals. Experimental results on three public datasets show that CTRL outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) CTR models significantly. Moreover, we further verify its effectiveness on a large-scale industrial recommender system.

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