Emergent Mind


Decompilation aims to recover the source code form of a binary executable. It has many security applications such as malware analysis, vulnerability detection and code hardening. A prominent challenge in decompilation is to recover variable names. We propose a novel technique that leverages the strengths of generative models while suppressing potential hallucinations and overcoming the input token limitation. We build a prototype, GenNm, from a pre-trained generative model Code-Llama. We fine-tune GenNm on decompiled functions, and leverage program analysis to validate the results produced by the generative model. GenNm includes names from callers and callees while querying a function, providing rich contextual information within the model's input token limitation. Our results show that GenNm improves the state-of-the-art from 48.1% to 57.9% in the most challenging setup where a query function is not seen in the training dataset.

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