Emergent Mind

Sampling binary sparse coding QUBO models using a spiking neuromorphic processor

Published Jun 2, 2023 in cs.NE , cs.CV , cs.ET , and cs.LG


We consider the problem of computing a sparse binary representation of an image. To be precise, given an image and an overcomplete, non-orthonormal basis, we aim to find a sparse binary vector indicating the minimal set of basis vectors that when added together best reconstruct the given input. We formulate this problem with an $L2$ loss on the reconstruction error, and an $L0$ (or, equivalently, an $L_1$) loss on the binary vector enforcing sparsity. This yields a so-called Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problem, whose solution is generally NP-hard to find. The contribution of this work is twofold. First, the method of unsupervised and unnormalized dictionary feature learning for a desired sparsity level to best match the data is presented. Second, the binary sparse coding problem is then solved on the Loihi 1 neuromorphic chip by the use of stochastic networks of neurons to traverse the non-convex energy landscape. The solutions are benchmarked against the classical heuristic simulated annealing. We demonstrate neuromorphic computing is suitable for sampling low energy solutions of binary sparse coding QUBO models, and although Loihi 1 is capable of sampling very sparse solutions of the QUBO models, there needs to be improvement in the implementation in order to be competitive with simulated annealing.

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