Emergent Mind


In this paper we consider a non-monotone (mixed) variational inequality model with (nonlinear) convex conic constraints. Through developing an equivalent Lagrangian function-like primal-dual saddle-point system for the VI model in question, we introduce an augmented Lagrangian primal-dual method, to be called ALAVI in the current paper, for solving a general constrained VI model. Under an assumption, to be called the primal-dual variational coherence condition in the paper, we prove the convergence of ALAVI. Next, we show that many existing generalized monotonicity properties are sufficient -- though by no means necessary -- to imply the above mentioned coherence condition, thus are sufficient to ensure convergence of ALAVI. Under that assumption, we further show that ALAVI has in fact an $o(1/\sqrt{k})$ global rate of convergence where $k$ is the iteration count. By introducing a new gap function, this rate further improves to be $O(1/k)$ if the mapping is monotone. Finally, we show that under a metric subregularity condition, even if the VI model may be non-monotone the local convergence rate of ALAVI improves to be linear. Numerical experiments on some randomly generated highly nonlinear and non-monotone VI problems show practical efficacy of the newly proposed method.

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