Emergent Mind


Postoperative complications pose a significant challenge in the healthcare industry, resulting in elevated healthcare expenses and prolonged hospital stays, and in rare instances, patient mortality. To improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs, healthcare providers rely on various perioperative risk scores to guide clinical decisions and prioritize care. In recent years, machine learning techniques have shown promise in predicting postoperative complications and fatality, with deep learning models achieving remarkable success in healthcare applications. However, research on the application of deep learning models to intra-operative anesthesia management data is limited. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of transformer-based models in predicting postoperative acute renal failure, postoperative pulmonary complications, and postoperative in-hospital mortality. We compare our method's performance with state-of-the-art tabular data prediction models, including gradient boosting trees and sequential attention models, on a clinical dataset. Our results demonstrate that transformer-based models can achieve superior performance in predicting postoperative complications and outperform traditional machine learning models. This work highlights the potential of deep learning techniques, specifically transformer-based models, in revolutionizing the healthcare industry's approach to postoperative care.

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