Emergent Mind

BOtied: Multi-objective Bayesian optimization with tied multivariate ranks

Published Jun 1, 2023 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Many scientific and industrial applications require joint optimization of multiple, potentially competing objectives. Multi-objective Bayesian optimization (MOBO) is a sample-efficient framework for identifying Pareto-optimal solutions. We show a natural connection between non-dominated solutions and the highest multivariate rank, which coincides with the outermost level line of the joint cumulative distribution function (CDF). We propose the CDF indicator, a Pareto-compliant metric for evaluating the quality of approximate Pareto sets that complements the popular hypervolume indicator. At the heart of MOBO is the acquisition function, which determines the next candidate to evaluate by navigating the best compromises among the objectives. Multi-objective acquisition functions that rely on box decomposition of the objective space, such as the expected hypervolume improvement (EHVI) and entropy search, scale poorly to a large number of objectives. We propose an acquisition function, called BOtied, based on the CDF indicator. BOtied can be implemented efficiently with copulas, a statistical tool for modeling complex, high-dimensional distributions. We benchmark BOtied against common acquisition functions, including EHVI and random scalarization (ParEGO), in a series of synthetic and real-data experiments. BOtied performs on par with the baselines across datasets and metrics while being computationally efficient.

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