Emergent Mind

DisCLIP: Open-Vocabulary Referring Expression Generation

Published May 30, 2023 in cs.CV


Referring Expressions Generation (REG) aims to produce textual descriptions that unambiguously identifies specific objects within a visual scene. Traditionally, this has been achieved through supervised learning methods, which perform well on specific data distributions but often struggle to generalize to new images and concepts. To address this issue, we present a novel approach for REG, named DisCLIP, short for discriminative CLIP. We build on CLIP, a large-scale visual-semantic model, to guide an LLM to generate a contextual description of a target concept in an image while avoiding other distracting concepts. Notably, this optimization happens at inference time and does not require additional training or tuning of learned parameters. We measure the quality of the generated text by evaluating the capability of a receiver model to accurately identify the described object within the scene. To achieve this, we use a frozen zero-shot comprehension module as a critique of our generated referring expressions. We evaluate DisCLIP on multiple referring expression benchmarks through human evaluation and show that it significantly outperforms previous methods on out-of-domain datasets. Our results highlight the potential of using pre-trained visual-semantic models for generating high-quality contextual descriptions.

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