Emergent Mind


We consider the class of noisy multi-layered sigmoid recurrent neural networks with $w$ (unbounded) weights for classification of sequences of length $T$, where independent noise distributed according to $\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma2)$ is added to the output of each neuron in the network. Our main result shows that the sample complexity of PAC learning this class can be bounded by $O (w\log(T/\sigma))$. For the non-noisy version of the same class (i.e., $\sigma=0$), we prove a lower bound of $\Omega (wT)$ for the sample complexity. Our results indicate an exponential gap in the dependence of sample complexity on $T$ for noisy versus non-noisy networks. Moreover, given the mild logarithmic dependence of the upper bound on $1/\sigma$, this gap still holds even for numerically negligible values of $\sigma$.

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