Emergent Mind

Extrinsic Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Biomedical NER

Published May 29, 2023 in cs.CL


Biomedical named entity recognition (NER) is a critial task that aims to identify structured information in clinical text, which is often replete with complex, technical terms and a high degree of variability. Accurate and reliable NER can facilitate the extraction and analysis of important biomedical information, which can be used to improve downstream applications including the healthcare system. However, NER in the biomedical domain is challenging due to limited data availability, as the high expertise, time, and expenses are required to annotate its data. In this paper, by using the limited data, we explore various extrinsic factors including the corpus annotation scheme, data augmentation techniques, semi-supervised learning and Brill transformation, to improve the performance of a NER model on a clinical text dataset (i2b2 2012, \citet{sun-rumshisky-uzuner:2013}). Our experiments demonstrate that these approaches can significantly improve the model's F1 score from original 73.74 to 77.55. Our findings suggest that considering different extrinsic factors and combining these techniques is a promising approach for improving NER performance in the biomedical domain where the size of data is limited.

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