Emergent Mind


Rain streaks significantly decrease the visibility of captured images and are also a stumbling block that restricts the performance of subsequent computer vision applications. The existing deep learning-based image deraining methods employ manually crafted networks and learn a straightforward projection from rainy images to clear images. In pursuit of better deraining performance, they focus on elaborating a more complicated architecture rather than exploiting the intrinsic properties of the positive and negative information. In this paper, we propose a contrastive learning-based image deraining method that investigates the correlation between rainy and clear images and leverages a contrastive prior to optimize the mutual information of the rainy and restored counterparts. Given the complex and varied real-world rain patterns, we develop a recursive mechanism. It involves multi-scale feature extraction and dynamic cross-level information recruitment modules. The former advances the portrayal of diverse rain patterns more precisely, while the latter can selectively compensate high-level features for shallow-level information. We term the proposed recursive dynamic multi-scale network with a contrastive prior, RDMC. Extensive experiments on synthetic benchmarks and real-world images demonstrate that the proposed RDMC delivers strong performance on the depiction of rain streaks and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, a practical evaluation of object detection and semantic segmentation shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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