Emergent Mind


The expenses involved in training state-of-the-art deep hashing retrieval models have witnessed an increase due to the adoption of more sophisticated models and large-scale datasets. Dataset Distillation (DD) or Dataset Condensation(DC) focuses on generating smaller synthetic dataset that retains the original information. Nevertheless, existing DD methods face challenges in maintaining a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. And the state-of-the-art dataset distillation methods can not expand to all deep hashing retrieval methods. In this paper, we propose an efficient condensation framework that addresses these limitations by matching the feature-embedding between synthetic set and real set. Furthermore, we enhance the diversity of features by incorporating the strategies of early-stage augmented models and multi-formation. Extensive experiments provide compelling evidence of the remarkable superiority of our approach, both in terms of performance and efficiency, compared to state-of-the-art baseline methods.

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