Emergent Mind


We develop a boundary integral equation-based numerical method to solve for the electrostatic potential in two dimensions, inside a medium with piecewise constant conductivity, where the boundary condition is given by the complete electrode model (CEM). The CEM is seen as the most accurate model of the physical setting where electrodes are placed on the surface of an electrically conductive body, and currents are injected through the electrodes and the resulting voltages are measured again on these same electrodes. The integral equation formulation is based on expressing the electrostatic potential as the solution to a finite number of Laplace equations which are coupled through boundary matching conditions. This allows us to re-express the solution in terms of single layer potentials; the problem is thus re-cast as a system of integral equations on a finite number of smooth curves. We discuss an adaptive method for the solution of the resulting system of mildly singular integral equations. This solver is both fast and accurate. We then present a numerical inverse solver for electrical impedance tomography (EIT) which uses our forward solver at its core. To demonstrate the applicability of our results we test our numerical methods on an open electrical impedance tomography data set provided by the Finnish Inverse Problems Society.

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