Emergent Mind

FARA: Future-aware Ranking Algorithm for Fairness Optimization

Published May 26, 2023 in cs.IR


Ranking systems are the key components of modern Information Retrieval (IR) applications, such as search engines and recommender systems. Besides the ranking relevance to users, the exposure fairness to item providers has also been considered an important factor in ranking optimization. Many fair ranking algorithms have been proposed to jointly optimize both ranking relevance and fairness. However, we find that most existing fair ranking methods adopt greedy algorithms that only optimize rankings for the next immediate session or request. As shown in this paper, such a myopic paradigm could limit the upper bound of ranking optimization and lead to suboptimal performance in the long term. To this end, we propose \textbf{FARA}, a novel \textbf{F}uture-\textbf{A}ware \textbf{R}anking \textbf{A}lgorithm for ranking relevance and fairness optimization. Instead of greedily optimizing rankings for the next immediate session, FARA plans ahead by jointly optimizing multiple ranklists together and saving them for future sessions. Specifically, FARA first uses the Taylor expansion to investigate how future ranklists will influence the overall fairness of the system. Then, based on the analysis of the Taylor expansion, FARA adopts a two-phase optimization algorithm where we first solve an optimal future exposure planning problem and then construct the optimal ranklists according to the optimal future exposure planning. Theoretically, we show that FARA is optimal for ranking relevance and fairness joint optimization. Empirically, our extensive experiments on three semi-synthesized datasets show that FARA is efficient, effective, and can deliver significantly better ranking performance compared to state-of-the-art fair ranking methods. We make our implementation public at \href{https://github.com/Taosheng-ty/QP_fairness/}{https://github.com/Taosheng-ty/QP\_fairness/}.

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