Emergent Mind

Zero is Not Hero Yet: Benchmarking Zero-Shot Performance of LLMs for Financial Tasks

Published May 26, 2023 in cs.CL and q-fin.GN


Recently LLMs like ChatGPT have shown impressive performance on many natural language processing tasks with zero-shot. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of zero-shot LLMs in the financial domain. We compare the performance of ChatGPT along with some open-source generative LLMs in zero-shot mode with RoBERTa fine-tuned on annotated data. We address three inter-related research questions on data annotation, performance gaps, and the feasibility of employing generative models in the finance domain. Our findings demonstrate that ChatGPT performs well even without labeled data but fine-tuned models generally outperform it. Our research also highlights how annotating with generative models can be time-intensive. Our codebase is publicly available on GitHub under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

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