Emergent Mind

CFMA for Gaussian MIMO Multiple Access Channels

Published May 25, 2023 in cs.IT and math.IT


Compute-forward multiple access (CFMA) is a multiple access transmission scheme based on Compute-and-Forward (CF) which allows the receiver to first decode linear combinations of the transmitted signals and then solve for individual messages. This paper extends the CFMA scheme to a two-user Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiple access channel (MAC). We first derive the expression of the achievable rate pair for MIMO MAC with CFMA. We prove a general condition under which CFMA can achieve the sum capacity of the channel. Furthermore, this result is specialized to SIMO and 2-by-2 diagonal MIMO multiple access channels, for which more explicit sum capacity-achieving conditions on power and channel matrices are derived. Numerical results are also provided for the performance of CFMA on general MIMO multiple access channels.

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