Emergent Mind


The impedance of a Li-ion battery contains information about its state of charge (SOC), state of health (SOH) and remaining useful life (RUL). Commonly, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is used as a nonparametric data-driven technique for estimating this impedance from current and voltage measurements. In this article, however, we propose a consistent parametric estimation method based on a fractional order equivalent circuit model (ECM) of the battery impedance. Contrary to the nonparametric impedance estimate, which is only defined at the discrete set of excited frequencies, the parametric estimate can be evaluated in every frequency of the frequency band of interest. Moreover, we are not limited to a single sine or multisine excitation signal. Instead, any persistently exciting signal, like for example a noise excitation signal, will suffice. The parametric estimation method is first validated on simulations and then applied to measurements of commercial Samsung 48X cells. For now, only batteries in rest, i.e. at a constant SOC after relaxation, are considered.

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