Emergent Mind

Automated Sensitivity Analysis for Probabilistic Loops

Published May 24, 2023 in cs.PL


We present an exact approach to analyze and quantify the sensitivity of higher moments of probabilistic loops with symbolic parameters, polynomial arithmetic and potentially uncountable state spaces. Our approach integrates methods from symbolic computation, probability theory, and static analysis in order to automatically capture sensitivity information about probabilistic loops. Sensitivity information allows us to formally establish how value distributions of probabilistic loop variables influence the functional behavior of loops, which can in particular be helpful when choosing values of loop variables in order to ensure efficient/expected computations. Our work uses algebraic techniques to model higher moments of loop variables via linear recurrence equations and introduce the notion of sensitivity recurrences. We show that sensitivity recurrences precisely model loop sensitivities, even in cases where the moments of loop variables do not satisfy a system of linear recurrences. As such, we enlarge the class of probabilistic loops for which sensitivity analysis was so far feasible. We demonstrate the success of our approach while analyzing the sensitivities of probabilistic loops.

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