Emergent Mind


Instruction tuning has shown great promise in improving the performance of LLMs. However, research on multilingual instruction tuning has been limited due to the scarcity of high-quality instruction-response datasets across different languages. To bridge this gap, we present Bactrian-X, a comprehensive multilingual parallel dataset of 3.4 million instruction-response pairs across 52 languages. Leveraging this dataset, we train a set of adapters using low-rank adaptation (LoRA), which are lightweight components that seamlessly integrate with LLMs. These adapters have a substantially lower parameter count than the base model, making them easily replaceable and usable as plug-ins for different languages or language groups. Extensive experiments in various multilingual evaluation settings demonstrate that models derived from LoRA-based training over Bactrian-X outperform both the vanilla models and existing instruction-tuned models. The code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/mbzuai-nlp/bactrian-x

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