Emergent Mind

Learning UI-to-Code Reverse Generator Using Visual Critic Without Rendering

Published May 24, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.LG


Automated reverse engineering of HTML/CSS code from UI screenshots is an important yet challenging problem with broad applications in website development and design. In this paper, we propose a novel vision-code transformer (ViCT) composed of a vision encoder processing the screenshots and a language decoder to generate the code. They are initialized by pre-trained models such as ViT/DiT and GPT-2/LLaMA but aligning the two modalities requires end-to-end finetuning, which aims to minimize the visual discrepancy between the code-rendered webpage and the original screenshot. However, the rendering is non-differentiable and causes costly overhead. We address this problem by actor-critic fine-tuning where a visual critic without rendering (ViCR) is developed to predict visual discrepancy given the original and generated code. To train and evaluate our models, we created two synthetic datasets of varying complexity, with over 75,000 unique (code, screenshot) pairs. We evaluate the UI-to-Code performance using a combination of automated metrics such as MSE, BLEU, IoU, and a novel htmlBLEU score. ViCT outperforms a strong baseline model DiT-GPT2, improving IoU from 0.64 to 0.79 and lowering MSE from 12.25 to 9.02. With much lower computational cost, it can achieve comparable performance as when using a larger decoder such as LLaMA.

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