Emergent Mind


This paper presents a plug-and-play approach for translation with terminology constraints. Terminology constraints are an important aspect of many modern translation pipelines. In both specialized domains and newly emerging domains (such as the COVID-19 pandemic), accurate translation of technical terms is crucial. Recent approaches often train models to copy terminologies from the input into the output sentence by feeding the target terminology along with the input. But this requires expensive training whenever the underlying language model is changed or the system should specialize to a new domain. We propose Cascade Beam Search, a plug-and-play terminology-forcing approach that requires no training. Cascade Beam Search has two parts: 1) logit manipulation to increase the probability of target terminologies and 2) a cascading beam setup based on grid beam search, where beams are grouped by the number of terminologies they contain. We evaluate the performance of our approach by competing against the top submissions of the WMT21 terminology translation task. Our plug-and-play approach performs on par with the winning submissions without using a domain-specific language model and with no additional training.

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