Emergent Mind

Building an Invisible Shield for Your Portrait against Deepfakes

Published May 22, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.MM


The issue of detecting deepfakes has garnered significant attention in the research community, with the goal of identifying facial manipulations for abuse prevention. Although recent studies have focused on developing generalized models that can detect various types of deepfakes, their performance is not always be reliable and stable, which poses limitations in real-world applications. Instead of learning a forgery detector, in this paper, we propose a novel framework - Integrity Encryptor, aiming to protect portraits in a proactive strategy. Our methodology involves covertly encoding messages that are closely associated with key facial attributes into authentic images prior to their public release. Unlike authentic images, where the hidden messages can be extracted with precision, manipulating the facial attributes through deepfake techniques can disrupt the decoding process. Consequently, the modified facial attributes serve as a mean of detecting manipulated images through a comparison of the decoded messages. Our encryption approach is characterized by its brevity and efficiency, and the resulting method exhibits a good robustness against typical image processing traces, such as image degradation and noise. When compared to baselines that struggle to detect deepfakes in a black-box setting, our method utilizing conditional encryption showcases superior performance when presented with a range of different types of forgeries. In experiments conducted on our protected data, our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin.

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