Emergent Mind

Optimal Low-Rank Matrix Completion: Semidefinite Relaxations and Eigenvector Disjunctions

Published May 20, 2023 in cs.LG , math.OC , and stat.ML


Low-rank matrix completion consists of computing a matrix of minimal complexity that recovers a given set of observations as accurately as possible. Unfortunately, existing methods for matrix completion are heuristics that, while highly scalable and often identifying high-quality solutions, do not possess any optimality guarantees. We reexamine matrix completion with an optimality-oriented eye. We reformulate these low-rank problems as convex problems over the non-convex set of projection matrices and implement a disjunctive branch-and-bound scheme that solves them to certifiable optimality. Further, we derive a novel and often tight class of convex relaxations by decomposing a low-rank matrix as a sum of rank-one matrices and incentivizing that two-by-two minors in each rank-one matrix have determinant zero. In numerical experiments, our new convex relaxations decrease the optimality gap by two orders of magnitude compared to existing attempts, and our disjunctive branch-and-bound scheme solves nxn rank-r matrix completion problems to certifiable optimality in hours for n<=150 and r<=5.

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