Emergent Mind

Multi-Task Models Adversarial Attacks

Published May 20, 2023 in cs.LG


Multi-Task Learning (MTL) involves developing a singular model, known as a multi-task model, to concurrently perform multiple tasks. While the security of single-task models has been thoroughly studied, multi-task models pose several critical security questions, such as 1) their vulnerability to single-task adversarial attacks, 2) the possibility of designing attacks that target multiple tasks, and 3) the impact of task sharing and adversarial training on their resilience to such attacks. This paper addresses these queries through detailed analysis and rigorous experimentation. First, we explore the adaptation of single-task white-box attacks to multi-task models and identify their limitations. We then introduce a novel attack framework, the Gradient Balancing Multi-Task Attack (GB-MTA), which treats attacking a multi-task model as an optimization problem. This problem, based on averaged relative loss change across tasks, is approximated as an integer linear programming problem. Extensive evaluations on MTL benchmarks, NYUv2 and Tiny-Taxonomy, demonstrate GB-MTA's effectiveness against both standard and adversarially trained multi-task models. The results also highlight a trade-off between task accuracy improvement via parameter sharing and increased model vulnerability due to enhanced attack transferability.

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