Emergent Mind


In this paper, we study the fundamental statistical efficiency of Reinforcement Learning in Mean-Field Control (MFC) and Mean-Field Game (MFG) with general model-based function approximation. We introduce a new concept called Mean-Field Model-Based Eluder Dimension (MF-MBED), which characterizes the inherent complexity of mean-field model classes. We show that low MF-MBED subsumes a rich family of Mean-Field RL problems. Additionally, we propose algorithms based on maximal likelihood estimation, which can return an $\epsilon$-optimal policy for MFC or an $\epsilon$-Nash Equilibrium policy for MFG, with sample complexity polynomial w.r.t. relevant parameters and independent of the number of states, actions and agents. Compared with previous works, our results only require the minimal assumptions including realizability and Lipschitz continuity.

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